New York Mysteries: The Outbreak


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New York Mysteries: The Outbreak

In the context of the last decades, are you sure that there is no slightest threat from humanity challenges that were overcome long ago?
Once again you are transported to the New York of the late 1960s. Laura and her trusty workmate Will need to investigate an intricate case of a bizarre disease plaguing the city. Together, you discover that it might have something to do with a mysterious artifact preserved in the archives of a secret order. There is a shadow hanging over New York City and time is running out. The plague doctor of the modern era, will he cure the twenty-first century society?

  • - Face another New York City mystery
  • - Solve lots of incredible puzzles
  • - Collector’s Edition bonus game and more
  • - Gather amazing collections and find dozens of morphing-objects
  • - Enjoy stunning locations, magnificent graphics, exciting mini-games and puzzles