Lost Lands: Redemption


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Lost Lands: Redemption

Susan carelessly spends her time in the Lost Lands, trying to maintain order. But a dangerous relic has been discovered on Earth, so she must return to her homeland.
However, as a result of the time difference between the two worlds, Susan was away much longer than she anticipated. Unfortunately, it didn't go unnoticed. Her son Jim is angry with his mother because of her sudden disappearance.
Susan wants to solve the issue as fast as possible to restore the order in the world, but her simple plan will never work. Now Jim is involved in the adventures of his mother against his will.
Will Jim forgive and accept his mother for who she is? Will Susan put her family above saving the world and a life full of endless adventures?
Will mother and son establish a relationship while in the center of the disaster?

  • - Solve the misteries of the secret temple and find the magic artifact of an ancient deity.
  • - Defeat powerful villains with your attention and persistence!
  • - Dive deep into new and dangerous adventures with old and loyal friends!
  • - The vengeful deity broke free! Stop him before he regains his power!
  • - Find the places safely hidden from prying eyes and reveal their secrets!