Lost Lands: Ice Spell


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Lost Lands: Ice Spell

Snow, Ice and the deadly wind blowing from the Frozen Mountains! These are the Lost Lands Susan never seen before and only her flaming heart could withstand the misfortune.
The cold has come to the Lost Lands in the middle of the summer. Folk are hiding inside, trying to warm their homes. All the living is frozen, all the flowers are gone, the crops are dead and the birds are running for their lives. Old people say: "The spirit of the Frozen Mountains has awoken..." But nobody expects the reason be dug deep in the ancient history of the Lost Lands, when the world was young. And yet an ancient force was awaken by the common from our world. Wizard Maaron has called upon the only link between both worlds - Susan.

  • - Explore over 50 stunning locations
  • - Complete over 40 different mini-games
  • - Challenge yourself with interactive hidden object scenes
  • - Assemble collections, gather morphing objects, and gain achievements
  • - The game is optimized for tablets and phones!